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For people, place, prosperity and planet, we deliver impact with measurement science.

Products and services

Gas reference materials


Primary Reference Materials offer (PRMs) expanded

Limited time discount expanded to include 5 µmol mol-1 nitrogen monoxide (NO) PRMs.

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Providing ultimate references for highly accurate measurements


NPL has an experienced team of scientists working in extensive facilities, providing a unique capability in gas analysis. We supply an extensive range of gas calibration mixtures through a chain of direct comparisons to our national standards. These are used to underpin highly-accurate measurements of ambient air quality, natural gas, industrial emissions, vehicle and aircraft emissions and occupational exposure.

As the UK's National Metrology Institute (NMI), NPL provides traceability for gas-related measurement to internationally-recognised standards. We work in collaboration with NMIs around the world to ensure that these measurements are comparable, wherever and whenever they are made.

As well as providing a wide range of bespoke gas mixtures, NPL has launched a new range of standard gas mixtures which represent compositions that are in the highest demand and in some cases, where stability is good, may be made in advance to reduce lead times.

See NPL’s Calibration and Measurement Capabilities in the BIPM Key Comparison Database.

NPL has signed a Memorandum of Cooperation with the Chemical Sciences Division at NIST. For a selection of components outlined in the Declaration of Equivalence, NPL can offer gas reference materials and calibration services to organisations that require NIST traceability.

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Standard gas mixtures

Hydrogen Quality Training

This training video provides an overview of best practice for performing hydrogen quality assurance, mainly focusing on requirements for transport, but also briefly covering hydrogen for heat and industry. It will be useful for anyone who is intending to develop their own hydrogen purity capabilities or require purity testing of their hydrogen.

We’re here to help

Still struggling to work out what you need? We pride ourselves on giving sound technical advice to guide you. By combining expert advice, standard tests and bespoke consultancy, you can be confident in our approach.

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Case study

Enabling the injection of biomethane into the gas grid


Case study

Providing accredited measurements for hydrogen fuel



Find out more about our expertise in this area, and how we are creating impact from science and engineering.

Products and services

Our range of standards provides ultimate references for highly accurate measurements of ambient air quality, gases, emissions and odours.

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Work with us

Our research and measurement solutions support innovation and product development. We work with companies to deliver business advantage and commercial success.
Contact our Customer Services team on +44 20 8943 7070