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For people, place, prosperity and planet, we deliver impact with measurement science.



Our research supports telecommunications, power networks, precision agriculture, electromagnetic safety and biometrics

Emerging applications rely upon advances in electronics and communication devices

NPL measures electromagnetic quantities across the spectrum, from DC via RF and microwave up to terahertz and optical frequencies to support new technologies, in many sectors. We do this by providing measurements that are extremely accurate and reliable. Our measurements can be traced back to the SI system. We maintain one of the world's most comprehensive capabilities for making electromagnetic measurements across the spectrum.

For example, 5G/6G, smart cities, Industry 4.0, connected autonomous vehicles and precision farming all rely on advances in electronics and communication devices. Highly-accurate and traceable electromagnetic measurements are vital to ensure the performance, interoperability and reliability of these technologies.

Our work helps to translate the latest digital research into commercial products with the potential to benefit industry. We test and validate exciting new technologies to protect consumers and increase the uptake of new innovations.

Contact us

Our research

We support UK technological innovation by providing consultancy on electromagnetic measurement and support for research and development, as well as measuring exposure to electromagnetic fields.

5G communications

We ensure that the implementation of new 5G radio technologies will deliver real benefits to consumers

Future communications technologies

We ensure that new telecommunication technologies do what they claim to and allow users to rely on the data they provide

Power networks

We are developing new technologies to better integrate renewable power sources into our existing grid, to ensure energy security and reliable power for the UK and elsewhere

Precision agriculture

We underpin smart farming technologies, ensuring reliable systems and data transfer, to help make agriculture more efficient.

Traceability for electrical and electromagnetic measurements

We maintain the measurement units for electronics and communications for industry

Terahertz technologies

Researching applications and providing measurements in wireless communications and non-destructive testing

On wafer measurements

We test and characterise components and devices for use in high-speed and microwave applications

mm-wave beamforming

We have developed an advanced mm-wave hybrid beamforming testbed and research capability

Active device characterisation

Measurement and characterisation of active devices for use in RF, microwave and millimetre wave applications.

Our services

We offer a range of services from consultancies to help accelerate the uptake of new technologies, in areas such as communications, smart grids, precision farming, medical implants and security through bespoke and routine calibration services.

We can develop bespoke measurement activities such as antenna measurement using our antenna testing ranges and testing of ultrafast waveforms for high-bandwidth instrumentation. These measurements are normally linked back to NPL’s realisations of the SI base units, giving the highest confidence in our results.

Case study

Installation of an RF antenna range in China


Case study

Building connections through 5G


Case study

Developing a novel radio testbed to boost 5G connectivity at sea


Our resources

Whether you’re looking for good practice guidance, more information on our research, or our latest publications, we have made a broad range of resources freely available.


Our team

Our people are leaders in their fields. Take a look at the Electromagnetics team.
View our team