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For people, place, prosperity and planet, we deliver impact with measurement science.

Characterising magnetic materials and sensors

Electrical and magnetic quantities have an impact on many aspects of our everyday life. In health and safety, the magnetic field levels produced by domestic and industrial appliances, such as white goods, MRI and wireless power transfer, are carefully monitored by the manufacturers to meet EMC regulations and human exposure limits to magnetic fields. 

In the automotive industry, the material properties of magnets have become very important. Most cars now contain between 70-100 magnets, many of which are in safety critical applications. To assist the development of hybrid and electric propulsion, the magnets and soft magnetic materials used in electric motors need to be characterised in typical operational conditions to enable the design, prototyping and production of novel motor topologies to limit carbon emissions.

In the aerospace industry, magnetic materials are used in harsh environments where the material properties may vary significantly from initial manufacture to the end-of-life condition. We develop bespoke measurement systems to allow these materials to be characterised, and compared against well established written standards.

The demand for traceable electrical and magnetic measurements continues to broaden as new materials and techniques have extended their use into new areas of industry. NPL continuously develops and extends its range of measurement techniques and facilities for both magnetic materials and sensors. We can provide tailored technical consultancy, from brief technical discussions and routine calibration services to research projects. The majority of calibration services offered are accredited by UKAS in accordance with ISO 17025.

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Products and services

Our detailed knowledge of magnetic measurement techniques allows us to modify standard methods to determine the required properties for specific applications. We can provide tailored technical consultancy to tackle increasingly complex issues.

We’re here to help

Still struggling to work out what you need? We pride ourselves on giving sound technical advice to guide you. By combining expert advice, standard tests and bespoke consultancy, you can be confident in our approach.

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Find out more about our expertise in this area, and how we are creating impact from science and engineering.

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Our research and measurement solutions support innovation and product development. We work with companies to deliver business advantage and commercial success.
Contact our Customer Services team on +44 20 8943 7070