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Magnetic sensors at operational temperatures

Characterisation at operating temperatures of industrial applications

NPL’s low magnetic field facility includes a cancellation system in which the ambient magnetic field can be reduced to sub-nT levels at the centre of a 3 m diameter tri-axial Helmholtz coil system. Our primary field generating coil systems placed inside the tri-axial cancellation system are calibrated using a proton resonance magnetometer. The cancellation of ambient magnetic fields results in better repeatability, leading to a lower base uncertainty for the characterisation of sensors.

Modifications to this system allows the characterisation of magnetic sensors at operational temperatures over the range - 55 °C to + 175 °C. These include oil and gas down-hole drilling and space applications, where the temperature is considerably different to that used during the sensor development and calibration. We can give you confidence in the performance of magnetic sensors and that they conform to their specification. 

Our facilities provide a low magnetic noise environment and standard coil systems that allow the application of DC and AC magnetic fields so that the temperature coefficients of the most sensitive magnetic sensors can be determined at the required nT resolution.

We characterise magnetic sensors for, but not limited to, the automotive industry, geological exploration and space applications and complements and extends the existing range of facilities available.

Don’t see what you are looking for? Our diverse skill set enables us to provide bespoke solutions. Please contact us to discuss your requirements.

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