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For people, place, prosperity and planet, we deliver impact with measurement science.

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Ionising radiation protection

Calibration to ensure accurate measurements

Protection of personnel is critical in environments with ionising radiation, and requires the constant monitoring of radiation levels. Radiation protection legislation sets requirements for the monitoring of ionising radiation in the workplace, covering workers in the nuclear industry as well as any other professions with increased radiation levels, such as aircraft altitudes. The regular testing of appropriate monitoring equipment applies to alpha-, beta-, photon- and neutron radiations.  

Radiation-monitoring instruments are regularly tested and calibrated to a known accuracy in relation to national standards. In general, this equipment will be suitable for either the assessment of the radiation dose received by the individual or the routine assessment of radiation levels in the working environments or areas. NPL also provides calibration services for this equipment.

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NPL provides protection-level calibration services tailored for ionisation chambers used as secondary standards or instruments, as well as calibration for electrometers, environmental dose rate monitors and non-invasive voltage measurement equipment.

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Case study

New low-cost flexible X-ray detectors


Case study

Characterising vapour cells for ultra-accurate atomic clocks



Find out more about our expertise in this area, and how we are creating impact from science and engineering.

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