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For people, place, prosperity and planet, we deliver impact with measurement science.

Products and services

Nuclear decommissioning

Providing measurement expertise to meet nuclear decommissioning challenges

The decommissioning of nuclear sites represents a major global challenge. There is an urgent and ongoing need to reduce the significant expense of decommissioning, whilst ensuring safe practice and public confidence. Effective decommissioning relies on a variety of reliable traceable measurement techniques from a whole range of disciplines, including:

  • assessing the radioactivity level and elemental composition of complex sample matrices
  • understanding corrosion processes in the environments found in waste stores/containers
  • deployment of new metrological inspection techniques based that can assess the condition of waste storage remotely and with low uncertainty.

NPL has invested in building strategic national capability and undertaken collaborative research and development to create a wide range of measurement and consulting services that can support effective and efficient nuclear decommissioning. These services can be accessed either as commercial contract or via a range of externally funded collaborations. Please contact us to discuss how NPL can support your nuclear decommissioning process.

Contact us


NPL provides a wide range of traceable measurement techniques to support nuclear decommissioning. Understanding the status of the waste involves accurately measuring the radioactivity as well as monitoring the long-term monitoring of the storage containers and any degradation. Our services include:

Nuclear measurement - regularly and accurately measuring the ionising radiation of nuclear waste.

Corrosion measurements - ensuring that the containment is fit for purpose using NDT and corrosion data.

Moisture content - monitoring the moisture of the waste to understand the environment and ensure the waste is safe.

Thermal imaging and temperature measurements - measuring the temperature of the waste from a distance  using non contact remote temperature measurements and thermal imaging.

Materials characterisation - understanding the microstructure of containment materials to ensure they maintain their properties and to develop new materials.

Underwater inspection - ensuring safe storage under water and monitoring the status of the containment materials.

Case study

Quantifying moisture in failed spent AGR fuel pins


Case study

Monitoring the temperature of nuclear waste


Case study

Long-term reliable surface thermometry for nuclear material


Case study

Reliable temperature measurement of nuclear material packages


Case study

Improved understanding of stored nuclear materials


Case study

Improving expertise in nuclear data for reduced uncertainty


Work with us

Our research and measurement solutions support innovation and product development. We work with companies to deliver business advantage and commercial success.
Contact our Customer Services team on +44 20 8943 7070