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For people, place, prosperity and planet, we deliver impact with measurement science.

Providing confidence that new structures and designs will withstand their environment

We provide customers with a comprehensive understanding of lifetime performance of materials, components and systems, even for plant and devices operating in harsh, corrosive environments. Our support saves significant cost by ensuring the safety of existing assets and appropriate materials selection for new designs.

The difficulty of detecting local failures due to corrosion and cracking, together with the occasionally catastrophic nature of the failure process, continues to challenge efforts towards improved structural safety. The trend in oil and gas, nuclear, and power generation is to operate under increasingly aggressive conditions for mechanical stress, chemical environment and increased temperature, all of which create uncertainty in life prediction and material selection.

We provide advanced testing facilities and expert advice, as well as guidance publications and protocols. To find out more, please contact us through the button below, or call the National Corrosion Service hotline on 020 8943 6142.

Contact us


We provide expert advice, resources and testing facilities to understand corrosion risks and appropriate material selection. We characterise localised corrosion and cracking processes, and give confidence that structures will withstand their environment.

We’re here to help

Still struggling to work out what you need? We pride ourselves on giving sound technical advice to guide you. By combining expert advice, standard tests and bespoke consultancy, you can be confident in our approach.

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Find out more about our expertise in this area, and how we are creating impact from science and engineering.

Work with us

Our research and measurement solutions support innovation and product development. We work with companies to deliver business advantage and commercial success.
Contact our Customer Services team on +44 20 8943 7070