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For people, place, prosperity and planet, we deliver impact with measurement science.

Calibration ensures accuracy

Artefact calibration is a measurement process that assigns values to the property of an artefact so that it can be used as a reference standard. The purpose of calibration is to eliminate or reduce bias in the user's measurement system relative to the reference base.

Calibration artefacts allow you to independently check the measuring accuracy of your instrument or measuring machine. Using materials with known size or properties means that the properties of a sample can be compared with the article. The calibration procedure compares a sample with a reference standard of similar properties, such as length or diameter, using the same instrument.

Calibration artefacts help to monitor the accuracy of measuring machines, coordinate measuring machines, multisensor devices, CT measuring machines or surface measuring devices.

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Calibration services

Find out more about the wide range of calibration services that NPL offers.


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