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For people, place, prosperity and planet, we deliver impact with measurement science.

Environmental monitoring

Analysis of trace metals in environmental samples

Analysis of trace elements in a variety of environmental samples

The facility has two tandem coupled plasma mass spectrometry ICP-MS instruments that allow for robust and flexible analysis with high matrix tolerance of a wide range of samples such as particulate matter in ambient air, tyres and brakes.

Our services include:

  • Fully traceable, quantitative determinations of the majority of elements in the periodic table in concentration ranges, from parts-per-trillion to parts-per-million
  • Analysis using tandem operation and a collision reaction cell that allows for removal of interferences for difficult to measure elements
  • UKAS accreditation to ISO 17025: Measurement of the total particulate-phase As, Cd, Hg, Ni, Pb, Pt, Cr, Cu, Co, Fe, Tl, Mn, V, Sb, Se and Zn mass on filter material or mass fraction in acid digests.

Fingerprinting of non-exhaust emissions 

With decreasing exhaust emissions and the increasing rolll-out of electric vehicles, non-exhaust emissions are becoming of increasing concern. NPL offers traceable analysis of metals in tyres and brakes and are working to identify indicators of non-exhaust traffic emissions. This will be used to develop a fingerprint to identify tyres and brakes as a pollution source.

Please contact us to discuss details of your ICP-MS analysis needs.

Novel characterisation of metals in particulates

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Our research and measurement solutions support innovation and product development. We work with companies to deliver business advantage and commercial success.
Contact our Customer Services team on +44 20 8943 7070