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For people, place, prosperity and planet, we deliver impact with measurement science.

Revolutionising ambient air quality monitoring using low cost environmental sensors

The latest sensors can deliver spatially dense data, in real time, through the implementation of large networks. The data can be used for compliance reporting, managing air quality in 'intelligent' buildings or aircraft to minimise energy usage and citizen science projects. However, their reliability for scientific applications, calibration strategies and open-access tools to extract relevant information from large datasets are major obstacles.

We are working with industrial and academic partners to expand the implementation of low-cost sensor technologies and reduce market barriers to their adoption by providing validated performance criteria through CEN standardisation. This work brings together our capabilities in laboratory and field test facilities, operation and quality assurance of monitoring networks, and involvement in international standardisation. In addition to work on low cost sensors, the availability of our accredited (EN 15267-3) instrument type approval facilities and the new Controlled Release Facility enable us to work with manufacturers to develop the next generation of environmental instrumentation and gain certification under the European-type approval standard.

Find out more about NPL's Instrument testing and validation services

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Our research and measurement solutions support innovation and product development. We work with companies to deliver business advantage and commercial success.
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