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For people, place, prosperity and planet, we deliver impact with measurement science.


NPL’s COVID-19 response

Supporting the national effort

NPL is the UK's national laboratory for measurement science and metrology, providing the measurement standards for science, technology and manufacturing. Throughout the pandemic, we applied our expertise to meet the unprecedented challenges caused by COVID-19. 

As a national laboratory with thousands of customers in the UK and beyond, it was a natural progression to offer our experience of standards, testing and product requirements. We made our facilities available to support UK industry and society, including working with NHS trusts on ventilator provision, oxygen supply and data processing. The global pandemic highlighted the vital role that metrology plays in supporting global measurement systems and helping society function. Our expertise allowed us to advise and inform government, companies and research organisations on a wide range of topics.

Measurement for Recovery 

NPL launched the Measurement for Recovery programme in July 2020 to ensure measurement science was available to UK industry during the COVID-19 crisis. Our experience helped verify and validate the performance of materials, instruments and sensors, and our state-of-the-art equipment was used to make prototypes and new products. As UK industry turned its attention to recovery, we provided confidence to companies tackling the problems created by new working practices, supply chain changes and product modifications which could impact compliance. 

If you would like to discuss further, please contact us.

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Download NPL’s COVID Response booklet

With over 1000 great minds and a wealth of expert skills and knowledge we, at NPL, were ready to fight this pandemic and support not only industry but the government and public too. We are a national laboratory and our mission, since 1900 has been to use our expertise to improve the UK's prosperity and quality of life.

Dr JT Janssen - Chief Scientist at NPL

Impact during COVID-19

  • Delivered an agile and prompt response

  • Gave independent advice to UK industry on standards, testing and meeting product specifications
  • Maintained critical services
  • Provided an innovative approach to technical challenges

Download NPL’s COVID Response booklet

Contact us

Our research and measurement solutions support innovation and product development. We work with companies to deliver business advantage and commercial success.
Contact our Customer Services team on +44 20 8943 7070