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DISCOVERY:Developing UK Industrial Supply for Commercial Quantum Computing

The DISCOVERY project aims to develop three methods towards building commercially viable quantum computers – namely neutral atoms, optical qubit and ion traps. Crucially each of these methods is scalable. The NPL microtraps team is involved in the development of scalable ion traps and developing test beds for evaluating hardware performance.

This project is funded by the Industrial Strategy Challenge Fund, run by Innovate UK, another partner of the UK National Quantum Technologies Programme.


M Squared (lead partner), Oxford IonicsORCA ComputingKelvin Nanotechnology, TMD TechnologiesUniversities of GlasgowStrathclyde and Oxford 

Recent News in the Media on DISCOVERY:

£10 million project launched to overcome the technology barriers to commercial quantum computing

Nine of Britain’s major quantum pioneers join forces

M Squared-led consortium launches DISCOVERY quantum computing project

Britain launches major quantum computing project

USOQS Ultra-stable optical oscillators from quantum coherent and entangled systems

Optical clocks require more stable optical oscillators to accelerate the redefinition of the SI second, bring excellent fundamental science to metrology and enable applications for innovative sensors in clock-based geodesy. 

While the application of quantum measurement strategies in atomic clocks and sensors via multi-particle and light-matter interactions is at the proof-of-principle stage, this project will implement and further develop state-of-the-art quantum measurement strategies on optical oscillators of metrological relevance. It will impact on metrology and sensing with cold atomic systems and optical devices, as well as in those techniques used in scalable quantum information processing and simulation. 

NPL’s experimental capability in monolithic three-dimensional microfabricated ion traps, coherent spectroscopy, resolved-sideband cooling and agile frequency, phase and amplitude control of stable laser light will be used this project in the pursuit of entanglement in a trapped ion system. 

Partners: Istituto Nazionale di Ricerca Metrologica (lead partner) – Italy; Observatoire de Paris; France, Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt; Germany, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Italy; Fundacio Institut de Ciencies Fotoniques, Spain, Kobenhavns Universitet, Denmark; Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Universität Hannover, Germany; University of Durham, UK; Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu, Poland; Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, France 

UK Quantum Computing and Simulation Hub

The NPL microtraps team is an industry partner in the UK Quantum Hubs programme. The team are working in collaboration with the Ion trap quantum computing group at the University of Oxford.  


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