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Stephen P Robinson

Stephen P Robinson

Principal scientist

With over 27 years' experience in underwater acoustic metrology as an acoustical physicist at NPL, Stephen has over 100 publications to his name including papers in refereed journals, proceedings of conferences and technical reports. He serves on numerous standards committees for ISO, IEC and BSI as well as steering committees for Defra and the UK Marine Science Coordination Committee (Underwater Sound Forum). Stephen represents the UK on the EC Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) Technical Sub-Group on underwater noise. Stephen has organised numerous sessions at international conferences, and chaired/organised international conferences for the IOA.

Current interests

Stephen Robinson leads the technical work in Underwater Acoustics metrology at NPL. His current research interests include: characterisation of underwater noise sources; in situ measurement of ocean noise; hydrophone and sonar calibration techniques (including at simulated ocean conditions); characterisation of the acoustic properties of materials; underwater acoustic propagation and modelling. Stephen is a Member of the Institute of Acoustics and the Institute of Physics.

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