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For people, place, prosperity and planet, we deliver impact with measurement science.

Lucy Culleton

Lucy Culleton

Senior scientist

Lucy Culleton is a Senior Scientist in the Gas Metrology Group at NPL. She leads NPL’s work on the measurement of methane-based energy gases, including biogas, biomethane, hydrogen enriched natural gas, refinery gas and liquid hydrocarbon mixtures. Her role involves bidding for, and leading scientific work, representing the UK internationally within standardisation, facilitating the growth of measurement services, promoting science outputs internationally, and providing leadership and technical direction to a dedicated team of scientists. She also manages compliance against the quality system, as the group’s quality manager.

She is responsible for ensuring traceability for measurements that support the UK gas grid and developing metrological infrastructure to support the use of renewable fuels.

She has over ten years of experience in the field of energy gas measurement, including pioneering work on traceable reference standards and methods for biomethane impurity measurement. She has coordinated and lead work packages within several international collaborative research projects focused on the energy gas industry (EMRP ENG01, EMRP ENG54, EMPIR 15SIP06, EMPIR 16ENG05 and EMPIR 18SIP03). She has contributed to and led the development of international standards under ISO and is a member of the following expert committees:

  • BSI PTI/15 (Natural Gas and Gas Analysis) – deputy chair
  • ISO TC 193/SC1/WG25 (biomethane)
  • ISO TC 197/WG27/TF3 (hydrogen fuel quality) - chair
  • CEN/TC/408 (biogas)
  • CEN SF JTF (Hydrogen quality needs for industrial end-users) – chair advisory board
  • BSI GSE/033 (gas supply)
  • BSI RMI/001 (reference materials)

Areas of interest:

  • Leading the NPL Biomethane Purity Laboratory, which provides a measurement service to support traceable measurement of impurities within biomethane.
  • Hydrogen blending and deblending within the gas grid
  • Measurement of gas compositions from nuclear processes

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Find out more about NPL’s Gas and particle metrology research