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Gustavo F Trindade

Gustavo F Trindade

Senior scientist

Dr Gustavo F. Trindade is a Senior Scientist in the National Centre of Excellence in Mass Spectrometry Imaging (NiCE-MSI) at NPL. His current interests are in advancing measurement capabilities of the state-of-the-art OrbiSIMS to meet emerging challenges in life sciences, pharma, additive manufacturing, and organic semiconductors. Gustavo is a member of ISO TC 201 SC 6 (Mass Spectrometry), VAMAS TWA 2 and BSI CII/060 (Surface Chemical Analysis). He is also a member of the Institute of Physics (IOP), a member of the Brazilian Physical Society (SBF) and a committee member of the UK Surface Analysis Forum (UKSAF).

Gustavo has over 10 years of experience with secondary ion mass spectrometry with more than 50 published peer-reviewed papers. In 2022, Gustavo was awarded the Vickerman Prize by the UKSAF, given to scientists whose work is anticipated to have a major impact in the field of surface analysis. In 2023, Gustavo was featured as one of CellPress Matter’s 35 researchers under 35 tackling challenges in materials science.


Gustavo obtained his BSc and MSc in Physics from the University of Sao Paulo (2011, 2013) where he worked with ion beam analysis of polymer materials modified for biocompatibility. He then worked as a graduate fellow at the same university on the analysis of minerals in teeth enamel of children born preterm and full term (2013-2014). Gustavo completed his PhD in Materials Science from the University of Surrey (2018), working mainly with secondary ion mass spectrometry and multivariate statistical data analysis to solve various industry-related problems such as surface plasma treatment of automotive grade polymers, food packaging adhesives and polyester coatings. Before joining NPL in 2021, Gustavo worked at the University of Nottingham (2018-2021) on the development of analytical methods for the micro/nano scale study of materials interface in multi-functional additive manufacturing, with applications in the electronics and pharmaceutical industries, collaborated on the measurement of proteins by OrbiSIMS and led an international collaboration (Nottingham, NPL, Sao Paulo and CERN) on the analysis and fabrication of micro patterned radiation detectors used in high energy physics experiments.

Selected Publications (full list at Scholar)

Direct identification of interfacial degradation in blue OLEDs using nanoscale chemical depth profiling. GF Trindade, S Sul, J Kim, R Havelund, A Eyres, S Park, Y Shin, HJ Bae, et al. Nature Communications 14 (1), 8066

Residual polymer stabiliser causes anisotropic electrical conductivity during inkjet printing of metal nanoparticles. GF Trindade, F Wang, J Im, Y He, A Balogh, D Scurr, I Gilmore, M Tiddia, et. al. Communications Materials 2 (1), 1-10

Protein identification by 3D OrbiSIMS to facilitate in situ imaging and depth profiling. AM Kotowska, GF Trindade, PM Mendes, PM Williams, JW Aylott, et. al. Nature communications 11 (1), 1-8

simsMVA: A tool for multivariate analysis of ToF-SIMS datasets. GF Trindade, ML Abel, JF Watts. Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems 182, 180-187

OrbiSIMS metrology part I: Optimisation of the target potential and collision cell pressure L Matjacic, MP Seah, GF Trindade, A Pirkl, R Havelund, JL Vorng, et. al. Surface and Interface Analysis

Enhanced photovoltage for inverted planar heterojunction perovskite solar cells. D Luo, W Yang, Z Wang, A Sadhanala, Q Hu, R Su, R Shivanna, et. al. Science 360 (6396), 1442-1446

Bespoke 3D-Printed Polydrug Implants Created via Microstructural Control of Oligomers. L Ruiz-Cantu, G F Trindade, V Taresco, Z Zhou, Y He, L Burroughs, et. al. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 13 (33), 38969-38978

A time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry/multivariate analysis (ToF-SIMS/MVA) approach to identify phase segregation in blends of incompatible but extremely similar resins. GF Trindade, ML Abel, C Lowe, R Tshulu, JF Watts. Analytical chemistry 90 (6), 3936-3941

Quantitative and Qualitative Analyses of Mass Spectra of OEL Materials by Artificial Neural Network and Interface Evaluation: Results from a VAMAS Interlaboratory Study. S Aoyagi, DJH Cant, M Dürr, A Eyres, S Fearn, IS Gilmore, S Iida, et. al Analytical Chemistry 95 (40), 15078-15085

Chemical Imaging of Buried Interfaces in OrganicInorganic Devices Using Focused Ion Beam-Time-of-Flight-Secondary-Ion Mass Spectrometry. M Tiddia, I Mihara, MP Seah, GF Trindade, F Kollmer, CJ Roberts, et. al. ACS applied materials & interfaces 11 (4), 4500-4506

Innate immune cell instruction using micron-scale 3D objects of varied architecture and polymer chemistry: The ChemoArchiChip. M Vassey, L Ma, L Kämmerling, C Mbadugha, GF Trindade, et. al.  Matter 6 (3), 887-906

Elucidating the molecular landscape of the stratum corneum. NJ Starr, MH Khan, MK Edney, GF Trindade, S Kern, A Pirkl, et. al. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 119 (12), e2114380119

Exploiting Generative Design for 3D Printing of Bacterial Biofilm Resistant Composite Devices. Y He, M Abdi, GF Trindade, B Begines, JF Dubern, E Prina, AL Hook, et. al. Advanced Science, 2100249

Functionalized Gold Nanoparticles with a Cohesion Enhancer for Robust Flexible Electrodes J Im, GF Trindade, TT Quach, A Sohaib, F Wang, J Austin, L Turyanska, et. al.

Modulating the biological function of protein by tailoring the adsorption orientation on nanoparticles. A Jain, GF Trindade, JM Hicks, JC Potts, R Rahman, RJM Hague, et. al. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 587, 150-161

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