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For people, place, prosperity and planet, we deliver impact with measurement science

Ben Russell

Ben Russell

Principle scientist

Ben obtained his PhD in radiochemistry from the University of Southampton in 2014, before starting in the NPL Nuclear Metrology Group, with the primary aim of setting up the mass spectrometry laboratory. Ben is responsible for management of mass spectrometry-based research and commercial projects, development of radioanalytical procedures for accurate measurement of decommissioning and naturally occurring radionuclides, and radiochemical support for nuclear medicine.
Ben has lectured and run practical sessions as part of MSc programmes at the University of Surrey and University of Birmingham. He has also had a supervisory role for 12 PhD and Master’s Students, and sits on the editorial board of the Atomic Spectrometry Updates Journal. He has also built links to end user groups, for example through membership and technical secretary roles of the Nuclear Waste Decommissioning Research Forum, chairing of the Analytical Informal Working Group, and as a member of the ISO committee for preparing and reviewing standards for measurement of radioactivity in water.

Areas of Interest

• Mass spectrometry
• Radiochemistry
• Environmental monitoring of radioactivity
• Nuclear decommissioning
• Nuclear forensics

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