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Andrew Fenwick

Andrew Fenwick

Senior scientist

Andrew received his undergraduate degree in physics from the University of Wales, Aberystwyth in 2007 before joining NPL in 2008. He then proceeded to study part-time at the University of Surrey to achieve an MSc in Radiation Detection and Instrumentation in 2012. His PhD thesis entitled ‘Traceability of 89Zr in Positron Emission Tomography’ was accepted at Cardiff University in 2022.

Andrew has worked in a range of fields at NPL including decommissioning, nuclear decay data, standardisation and nuclear medicine. Andrew works closely on the primary standardisation of radionuclides of medical interest and oversees the secondary standard ionisation chamber systems at NPL which are used to disseminate standards to laboratories around the world. He is currently leading PET/CT projects within the Nuclear Medicine Imaging facility at NPL and works closely with all aspects of nuclear medicine at NPL. Andrew has contributed to more than 30 peer reviewed articles since 2012, with over 300 citations.

Andrew is a scientific committee member of the International Committee for Radionuclide Metrology (ICRM) and is a member of the Institute of Physics (IoP), the Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine (IPEM), the British Nuclear Medicine Society (BNMS) and the European Nuclear Medicine Society (EANM).

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