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Alistair Forbes

Alistair Forbes

NPL Fellow

Alistair Forbes is an NPL Fellow in Mathematical Modelling and Experimental Data Analysis. Alistair Forbes joined NPL in 1985 after studying mathematics at the University of Aberdeen (BSc, First Class honours), University of Newcastle upon Tyne (MSc) and the University of Pennsylvania (MA). He has carried out research in mathematical and statistical modelling, algorithm design, uncertainty evaluation, numerical software development and validation with applications to metrology. He is an NPL Fellow in the Mathematics and Modelling Group, and Science Area Leader for Data Analysis and Uncertainty Evaluation.

He is Visiting Professor in Industrial Mathematics at the University of Huddersfield; Member of the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications; a Chartered Mathematician; Fellow of the Royal Statistical Society; and Scientific Secretary of IMEKO TC21 'Mathematical Tools for Measurements'. He is on the Editorial Boards of Acta IMEKO and The International Journal of Metrology and Quality Engineering, and is on the organising committee or international programme committee for a number of international conferences, including: Advanced Mathematical and Computational Tools for Metrology (AMCTM, co-chair 2011, 2014, 2017), ENBIS 2016 Annual Conference, Lamdamap 2017, IMEKO World Congress September, 2018, Belfast

He received the Institute of Measurement and Control's Alex Hough-Grassby Award for the application of mathematics to measurement in 2014.

Current interests

  • Modelling and data analysis
  • Bayesian inference, statistical learning, uncertainty quantification and decision making, sensor networks
  • Mathematical and statistical modelling in dimensional metrology: coordinate metrology, large scale metrology
  • Measurement systems, industrial measurement and process improvement
  • Computational science: numerical analysis and scientific computing, scientific software validation.

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