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For people, place, prosperity and planet, we deliver impact with measurement science.

Rapid, non-destructive measurements for full characterisation

Raman microscopy and spectroscopy are simple, non-destructive and rapid measurement techniques for characterisation of structural, chemical and optoelectronic properties of materials for validation and quality control. Our system is a Renishaw inVia confocal Raman microscope coupled to an Innova Bruker AFM. Due to the simple, fast and non-invasive nature of Raman and photoluminescence (PL)  measurements, it enables the analysis of either small area samples or large-scale wafers, probing properties such as strain, electronic doping, distribution and size of defects or structural phases. As well as resolving features down to sub-micron scale, the technique produces high definition and high-resolution chemical and structural maps. It is ideal for the characterisation of thin films, low-dimensional materials, powders or patterned devices.

Technical details

 Measurements can be carried out using visible (532 nm and 633 nm laser wavelength) and UV light (325 nm laser wavelength). Measurements can be performed in variable environmental conditions: ambient, 0-90% relative humidity, gas atmosphere, and at temperatures ranging from -196 °C to 600 °C. Combination of gases can be introduced into the gas cell at variable concentrations, as low as tens of parts-per-billion, using mass flow controllers, and polarised Raman measurements can be done using this system. In addition, the system allows for co-localised Raman/AFM measurements, simultaneously probing of Raman, topography and electronic properties of materials by conductive-AFM, scanning Kelvin probe microscopy, providing correlation with physical properties of samples at the nanoscale. Tip-enhanced Raman spectroscopy is an extra feature that the system can offer for chemical specificity and imaging at high spatial resolution, down to 10 nm.

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