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For people, place, prosperity and planet, we deliver impact with measurement science.


Metrology Research Roadmap

Sharing our research plans for the next decade

In 2021, our leading scientists created twelve roadmaps for our highest priority research areas based on the findings of NPL’s Technology and Measurement Foresighting exercise.

The roadmaps show the critical metrology that needs to be in place over the next decade, as well as highlighting the measurement challenges and barriers.

By publishing the Metrology Research Roadmaps, NPL seeks to strengthen its engagement and support for the UK research, development and innovation (RDI) landscape and demonstrate a commitment to leadership in metrology. We hope that they will stimulate collaboration and inspire scientists to join us in creating innovative solutions to overcome metrology barriers.

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At NPL we bring together multi-disciplinary expertise in response to complex health, societal and environmental problems.

Josephine Bunch, NPL Fellow, The National Centre of Excellence in Mass Spectrometry Imaging

A unique roadmap for metrology

Each Roadmap:

  • Identifies some of the greatest metrology challenges for the next decade
  • Provides a framework from which researchers, funding bodies and businesses can engage with us
  • Enables NPL and other research organisations to identify future skills requirements, enhance career pathways and offer fulfilling careers by providing a long-term perspective on research programmes

The roadmaps are aspirational and outline our vision and ambition to deliver impact through collaboration. We are keen to partner with other scientists who may want to join the exciting research environment at NPL or work with us. 

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I find it exciting that my future research has the potential to quickly develop into real world solutions for measurement challenges and create real impact in society.

Michael Ward, Higher Research Scientist, Gas Metrology

Leadership and collaboration

NPL is the UK's National Metrology Institute (NMI)  and our mission is to provide the measurement capability that underpins the UK's prosperity and quality of life. We are able to provide confidence in measurement results and data traceable to SI units.

We encourage innovation and delivery of solutions to national challenges, as well as developing and disseminating the revised SI and launching new digital standards. Please contact us if you would like to know more or work with us. 

Contact us

I learn something new every day and believe that together we are making the world a better place, bit by bit.

Marina Romanchikova, Science Area Leader, Informatics

Hear more from our people

I love working at NPL because of the brilliant diversity and culture that resonates throughout the staff.

Katie Obee, Junior Science Apprentice, Dimensional Metrology



NPL is the UK’s NMI, where we take the most precise measurements possible today. Such precision enables us to see effects that otherwise would be lost in the noise. These effects are often unexpected, and they always offer the joyful opportunity to keep on improving our understanding of nature.

Marco Schioppo, Senior Research Scientist, Time and Frequency

Work with us

Our research and measurement solutions support innovation and product development. We work with companies to deliver business advantage and commercial success.
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