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For people, place, prosperity and planet, we deliver impact with measurement science.

Radiation dosimetry

Chemical dosimetry

Determining radiation doses from chemical changes

We are undertaking development and research that will enhance our reference dosimetry measurement capability in the industrial and radiotherapy areas.

A large proportion of worldwide industrial dosimetry, particularly for medical device sterilisation, relies on calibrations and chemical dosimetry services provided by NPL. As part of the dissemination of measurement standards to the user community, we also provide consultancy and advice to other laboratories and industrial irradiation companies throughout the world. We are also involved in the development of CEN and ISO standards that cover the use of dosimetry in industrial applications.

The past decade has seen an increase in the use of low energy (70 keV to 300 keV) electron beam irradiators for industrial radiation processing. To support this, NPL has been collaborating with Risø HDRL, Denmark, to develop a primary standard specifically for low energy electron beams. This will reduce the uncertainty of industrial dosimetry and provide the measurement traceability required for regulatory approval.

The chemical dosimetry group is supporting the development of applications such as pre-clinical radiotherapy and the irradiation of blood products by improving uncertainties for alanine dosimeters used in kilo-voltage x-ray beams. This work involves collaboration with laboratories in Europe and Australia and includes measurements on the Diamond Light Source synchrotron in the UK and the Australian synchrotron in Melbourne. This work will lead to new measurement services and improve the effectiveness of pre-clinical research studies.

Find out more about NPL's Industrial sterilisation services

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