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For people, place, prosperity and planet, we deliver impact with measurement science.

Measurement for Recovery (M4R)

M4R helped UK industry to build back better

NPL launched the Measurement for Recovery (M4R) programme in July 2020 to ensure measurement science was available to UK industry during the COVID-19 crisis when businesses were facing multiple challenges including cash flow, job security and investment in innovation. Working with the National Measurement System partner laboratories, M4R was designed to solve the challenges by matching businesses with world-leading measurement experts and facilities and providing up to 20 days specialist science and engineering expertise at no charge.

M4R was a BEIS-funded programme which received over 700 applications, with over 80% from micro or small businesses. Challenges ranged from design, manufacturing, production and processing, through to regulatory compliance and standards. NPL helped to deliver innovation, uncover efficiencies and bring confidence to decision making and investment to drive growth for UK industry. We supported over 600 businesses who required rapid advice to assist their response and recovery activities.

M4R helped to ensure that the UK's measurement infrastructure was utilised in the economic recovery, to unleash innovation and make the UK a great place to work and do business.

The Measurement for Recovery programme is now closed to new applications as the UK emerges from the pandemic. To learn more about the programme and the early impact it’s had on UK business, download the M4R infographic.

LGC Design unit NIBSC NEL Funded by BEIS

Driving revenue, investment and reducing costs

70% of companies said their commercial opportunity has greatly or moderately increased as a result of their M4R project
64% of companies expect to secure more investment for their project from either investment or internal sources
63% of applicants expect to see increased sales in new or existing markets as a result of their M4R project
32% of applicants expect to see reduced costs through decreased production or material costs as a result of the M4R work

Source: self-reported data from 300 companies that participated in the M4R Programme and completed an evaluation interview

What successful applicants are saying about M4R

The Measurement for Recovery support will enable us to access the globally recognised scientific expertise at NPL, helping accelerate our technology development and bring our unique long duration energy storage solution to market to support the ongoing transformation of the energy system as part of the transition to a low carbon future.

Tim von Werne - CEO, RFC Power Ltd

The Measurement for Recovery programme has been hugely beneficial to us as an early-stage organisation where access to this level of support and expertise may not have otherwise been possible.

Lorenzo Conti - CEO, Crover

To learn more about how our expertise, capabilities and world-class laboratory facilities help companies across the UK, read our case studies below.

View the full library of Measurement for Recovery case studies

Case study

Enabling automated disinfection with Fourth State's air plasma technology


Case study

Accelerating the production of composites to decarbonise aviation


Case study

Innovative carrier keeps vaccines cold as they are transported to remote locations


Case study

Validating a rapid analysis tool for monoclonal antibodies


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Our research and measurement solutions support innovation and product development. We work with companies to deliver business advantage and commercial success.
Contact our Customer Services team on +44 20 8943 7070