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For people, place, prosperity and planet, we deliver impact with measurement science.

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Research integrity and governance

Impartial, independent and trustworthy

NPL is the UK’s National Metrology Institute, providing the measurement capability that underpins the UK's prosperity and quality of life. As a national laboratory, our advice is always impartial and independent, meaning consumers, investors, policymakers and entrepreneurs can always rely on the work we do. Research Integrity is a bedrock for trust in NPL, our impartiality, probity and the rigorous accuracy and reproducibility of our research. We take the term research to include all scientific and engineering work conducted at NPL.

Everyone at NPL is required to act with integrity and comply with our code of conduct and our ethics policy. We have recently produced a guide to authorship in technical and scientific publications to support best practice and provide examples of poor practice.

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Concordat to support research integrity

We are committed to the principles of the concordat to support research integrity. We have a Knowledge Management System that is founded on these principles and we are increasing awareness of research integrity amongst our staff and students.

As part of our commitment to the Concordat we publish our annual research integrity statement.

The role of metrology in improving reproducibility

Hear from NPL speaking at the UK Reproducibility Network online workshop.

Who to contact

The Office of the Chief Scientist are the senior science leadership team and the Chief Scientist is the head of profession for science and engineering at NPL. The Office of the Chief Scientist may be contacted with any issue related to research integrity, or to report a concern of research misconduct.

For confidential concerns about research integrity and allegations of research misconduct, email:

For confidential queries about ethical review, email:

For more information about using the Whistleblowing policy, email:

Research misconduct
Governance of research

Acknowledgements and thanks

NPL is a subscriber to the United Kingdom’s Research Integrity Office, which is an independent charity, offering support to the public, researchers and organisations to further good practice in academic, scientific and medical research. Visit the UKRIO website for more information.

We are grateful to the University of Surrey’s Research Integrity Governance Office for their advice and support in developing our policies and procedures to comply with the Concordat on research integrity.

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Work with us

Our research and measurement solutions support innovation and product development. We work with companies to deliver business advantage and commercial success.
Contact our Customer Services team on +44 20 8943 7070