Enabling the new machines, technology and skills needed to manufacture tomorrow’s products
AMPI is an industry led institute driving innovation for the UK’s advanced machinery designers, manufacturers and users.
The 5-year, £22.6m UKRI Strength in Places Fund programme, led by the National Physical Laboratory (NPL), is stimulating innovation and adoption of new technology through collaboration and direct support to industry.
This programme is an innovation-led approach for regional growth in the North of England and will benefit industry across the UK.
Industrially defined flagship innovation projects have been funded already and more are being developed. They build on the strong research and innovation resources and proven innovation track record of the region’s advanced machinery businesses with cooperation from research partners.
Forging partnerships between industry, local government, higher education institutions and NPL, to deliver a sustainable programme of innovation and skills directly impacting the regional and national economy, and boost UK industry exports.
To grow the R&D activity within the sector, new innovative and collaborative projects are encouraged within the programme and will include:
- New industry-led projects to create additional prototype machinery for emerging sectors/applications.
- New industry-led projects to create sub-systems (mechanical, electrical, software or mechatronic) as products.
- Extending or additional areas of academic research to address an emerging challenge.
- New research to leapfrog existing industrial capability.
For more information on the AMPI SIPF innovation programme or to enquire about becoming a participant please contact our Programme Director, Gareth Edwards, at AMPI.SIPF@npl.co.uk or through this portal.
The AMPI SIPF Innovation Programme is a collaboration between partners across local government, industry and academia across the North of England, led by NPL.

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