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21GRD04 isoMET


21GRD04 isoMET

Project Summary


Atmospheric observations provide a reality check on the true efficacy of climate change mitigation policy. Methane is a potent greenhouse gas (GHG) with multiple complex sources and stable isotope ratios provide a fingerprint needed to verify emissions by source type. This project seeks to improve -

  1. Ambient air monitoring capabilities
  2. The quality of source signature information
  3. The modelling information necessary to direct the measurement strategy and make top-down emissions estimates.

Need for the project

The Paris Agreement of November 2016 requires governments to pursue efforts to limit the global temperature increase to 1.5 °C. This climate agreement includes an Enhanced Transparency Framework, to track countries’ progress towards achieving their individual targets (i.e., the Nationally Determined Contributions, NDCs), along with a 5-yearly “Global Stocktake”. Progress will ultimately be measured by comparing national reporting of GHG fluxes against independent scientific estimates. This project develops new measurement science that will promote countries’ ability to carry out this evaluation. The WMO’s Global Annual to Decadal Climate Update explains how close the Earth already is to reaching the 1.5 °C increase.

According to this report five of the global average temperature datasets placed 2020 as one of the three warmest years on record with the global average temperature of 1.2 °C above preindustrial temperatures (World Meteorological Organization, 2021).  The ultimate temperature rise that the Earth will witness over the 21st century is strongly related to cumulative GHG emissions (Allen et al., 2009; Millar et al., 2017). The challenge is therefore significant – net emissions of GHGs must reach zero as quickly as possible if temperatures are to stay below the 1.5 °C increase this century. Governments have declared a state of emergency. On a European level, goals for emission reduction have been set for the years 2020, 2030, and 2040, with a reduction of 40 % for the year 2030. In 2050, the EU wants to be “climate neutral”. Even if the global net CO2 emission reduction targets were to be met, however, the rising radiative forcing due to the positive trend in atmospheric CH4 could derail climate policy ambitions (Nisbet et al., 2019).



IsoMET at the BASIS Symposium 2024


IsoMET at the BASIS SymposiumBibhasvata Dasgupta (right) of project partner Universiteit Utrecht recently provided a poster presentation. Harmonisation of atmospheric methane isotope ratio measurements from different laboratories: Procedures and Protocols was presented at the BASIS Symposium 2024 which took place April 25th – 26th at the Congress Centre Amsterdam Science Park.

As atmospheric trace gas isotope measurements get more common and analytical techniques become more diverse, combining, and merging observational records is challenging because of significant offsets between measurements from different laboratories. To address calibration challenges in atmospheric science, we need to standardise calibration procedures, conduct regular inter-laboratory comparisons, provide adequate training and education, use accurately characterised reference materials, continuously improve calibration procedures, and encourage collaboration and communication between laboratories and research institutions. The most recent worldwide comparison among laboratories, concentrating specifically on the IRMS measurement method and encompassing analyses carried out from 2003 to 2017, revealed disparities of up to 0.5 ‰ for δ13C and 13 ‰ for δ2H isotope ratio measurements in ambient air samples. These differences are equivalent to 25 and 13 times the compatibility targets set by the WMO-GAW network, respectively.

BASIS (Benelux Association for Stable Isotope Scientists) originated from the previous Benelux Isotope Group (BIG), a group of active scientists that organized annual meetings without a formal organisation. BIG started in 2000 as an Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry (IRMS) users group and has gathered every year since.

A successful M18 meeting for isoMET


A successful M18 meeting for the isoMET project was held online by project partner PTB at the General Assembly 2024 of the European Geosciences Union (EGU) in Vienna, Austria in April. Javis Nwaboh (PTB) coordinator of the project and welcomed all to the meeting. This was followed by presentations on work progressed under WP1 (Developing a harmonised in situ CH4 isotope dataset of ambient air in Europe) by Javis Nwaboh and associated partners NPL, TUBITAK, Empa, UU, The University of Glasgow, VTT, Royal Holloway and Bedford New College, UHEI, Université De Versailles Saint-Quentin-En-Yvelines and Stockholms Universitet. Presentations on work progressed under WP2 (A sustainable metrological infrastructure for a dataset for CH4 isotope source signature measurements in Europe) were provided by Joachim Mohn, (Empa) and associated partners NPL, TUBITAK, PTB, Universiteit Utrecht, The University of Glasgow, VTT, Royal Holloway and Bedford New College, Ruprecht-Karls-Universitaet Heidelberg, Université De Versailles Saint-Quentin-En-Yvelines and The University of Bristol.

For WP3 (Atmospheric transport modelling to direct the measurement strategy for optimal emissions estimation and demonstration of emissions estimates from new datasets) progress was presented to the consortium by Tim Arnold (NPL) and associated partners The University of Bristol and Empa.

Presentations on work progressed under WP4 (Creating impact) were provided by Mehr Fatima (VTT). Javis Nwaboh (PTB) provided updates on WP5 (Management and coordination). During the work package presentations and discussions, there was further discussion with the consortium regarding the output of the project and future progress towards M27.

IsoMET well represented at EGU24


The project was well represented by many of the partners at the recent General Assembly 2024 of the European Geosciences Union (EGU) held at the Austria Center Vienna (ACV) in Vienna, Austria.

Arranged by the partners, Session AS3.40 invited contributions from the community working on the use of isotope ratios and other tracers in understanding the sources/ sinks of GHGs to the atmosphere. The session looked at:

  • Advances in analytics for GHG isotope ratios or tracers including developments in metrology, e.g. reference materials or methods, to improve sustainability of monitoring,
  • Incorporation of isotope or trace gas measurements into models for improved understanding of the sources and/or sinks,
  • Studies contributing data on GHG isotope ratio source signatures or tracer/target species emission factors.

Pros and cons of methane clumped isotope

Posters from the project presented at EGU24 from the project included:

IsoMET at EGU24Naizhong Zhang (above) of project partner Empa presented on the Pros and cons of methane clumped isotope analysis by high-resolution isotope-ratio mass spectrometry and laser absorption spectroscopy.

Bibhasvata Dasgupta (right) of project partner Universiteit Utrecht also presented at the EGU on the use of methane isotope measurements to constrain regional scale emissions.

The European Geosciences Union (EGU) is the leading organisation for Earth, planetary and space science research in Europe. With partner organisations worldwide, the EGU fosters fundamental geoscience research, alongside applied research that addresses key societal and environmental challenges. The EGU vision is to realise a sustainable and just future for humanity and for the planet.

IsoMET at the Observations within the Global Greenhouse Gas WatchIsoMET at the Observations within the Global Greenhouse Gas Watch


Bibhasvata Dasgupta (right) of project partner Universiteit Utrecht recently provided a poster presentation. The Use of Methane Isotope Measurements to Constrain Regional Scale Emissions was presented at the Observations within the Global Greenhouse Gas Watch, 3rd – 5th October in Geneva.

The purpose of this WMO workshop was to develop guidance from and to Member countries and partner organizations regarding the comprehensive integrated observing system that would support the implementation of the Global Greenhouse Gas Watch (GGGW).

A successful M9 meeting for isoMET


A successful M9 meeting for the isoMET project was held by project partner PTB in June.

Javis Nwaboh (PTB) coordinator of the project welcomed all to the meeting. This was followed by presentations on work progressed under WP1 (Developing a harmonised in situ CH4 isotope dataset of ambient air in Europe) by Javis Nwaboh and Jelka Braden-Behrens (PTB) and associated partners NPL, TUBITAK, Empa, UU, The University of Glasgow, VTT, Royal Holloway and Bedford New College, UHEI, Université De Versailles Saint-Quentin-En-Yvelines and Stockholms Universitet.

Presentations on work progressed under WP2 (A sustainable metrological infrastructure for a dataset for CH4 isotope source signature measurements in Europe) were provided by Joachim Mohn, (Empa) and associated partners NPL, TUBITAK, PTB, Universiteit Utrecht, The University of Glasgow, VTT, Royal Holloway and Bedford New College, Ruprecht-Karls-Universitaet Heidelberg, Université De Versailles Saint-Quentin-En-Yvelines and The University of Bristol.

For WP3 (Atmospheric transport modelling to direct the measurement strategy for optimal emissions estimation and demonstration of emissions estimates from new datasets) progress was presented to the consortium by Tim Arnold (NPL) and associated partners The University of Bristol and Empa.

Presentations on work progressed under WP4 (Creating impact) were provided by Mehr Fatima and Thomas Hausmaninger (VTT). Javis Nwaboh (PTB) and Tim Arnold, (NPL) provided updates on WP5 (Management and coordination). During the work package presentations and discussions, there was further discussion with the consortium regarding the output of the project and future progress towards M18.

IsoMET Stakeholder Workshop


The isoMET project partners held a Stakeholder Workshop online on the 13th June 2023. Javis Nwaboh (PTB) coordinator of the project welcomed all to the meeting. This was followed by A presentation on WP1 (Developing a harmonised in situ CH4 isotope dataset of ambient air in Europe) by PTB.  A presentation on work progressed under WP2 (A sustainable metrological infrastructure for a dataset for CH4 isotope source signature measurements in Europe) was provided by Empa. WP3 (Atmospheric transport modelling to direct the measurement strategy for optimal emissions estimation and demonstration of emissions estimates from new datasets) progress was presented by NPL. VTT presented on WP4 (Creating Impact).

During the work package presentations and discussions, there was further discussion between the consortium and the stakeholders regarding the output of the project, further stakeholder engagement and future progress towards M18.

IsoMET at M9


The isoMET project partners will come together to discuss current progress and work towards M18 at PTB in Braunschweig, Germany, June 2023.

A successful Kick Off meeting for isoMET


A successful Kick Off meeting for the isoMET Project was held by PTB on the 22nd November. Due to the current pandemic situation, the meeting was held online with all project partners in attendance.

Javis Nwaboh and Volker Ebert of PTB welcomed all the partners to the first meeting of this new project. Tim Arnold (NPL) provided an overview of the project overall, and Javis and Anas Emad (PTB) provided a summary of what is required under WP1.

Joachim Mohn (EMPA) took the partners through an overview of WP2, and Tim presented on WP3. Mehr Fatima and Thomas Hausmaninger (VTT) provided an overview of WP4.

EURAMET provided the presentation Guidance on the Metrology Partnership’s impact generation and reporting to the partners, and this was followed by Javis, Volker and Tim providing everyone with an overview for all partners requirements towards WP5.




  • Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt - Coordintor
  • Turkiye Bilimsel ve Teknolojik Arastirma Kurumu
  • Teknologian tutkimuskeskus VTT Oy
  • Stockholms Universitet
  • Ruprecht-Karls-Universitaet Heidelberg
  • Universiteit Utrecht
  • Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines
  • Eidgenoessische Materialpruefungs- und Forschungsanstalt
  • National Physical Laboratory
  • Royal Holloway and Bedford New College
  • University of Bristol
  • University of Glasgow



Project Structure

Work packages

WP1: Developing a harmonised in situ CH4 isotope dataset of ambient air in Europe

The aim of this work package is to develop a harmonised in situ CH4 isotope dataset of ambient air in Europe to resolve compatibility issues of measurements of δ13C or δ2H in CH4 across multiple laboratories. This harmonisation will include a) improved methodologies and procedures to improve the comparability between independent OIRS based in situ analyses of ambient air CH4 for δ13C and δ2H and the traceability to the VPDB and VSMOW scales and b) improved validation of IRMS and OIRS methodologies across Europe through interlaboratory comparisons.

WP2: A sustainable metrological infrastructure for a dataset for CH4 isotope source signature measurements in Europe

The aim of this work package is first to develop a sustainable metrological infrastructure for a dataset for δ13C(CH4) and δ2H(CH4)-source measurements in Europe, and second, to evaluate the potential for source apportionment of rare doubly-substituted 13CH3D and 12CH2D2 isotopologues analysis in selected campaigns.

WP3: Atmospheric transport modelling to direct the measurement strategy for optimal emissions estimation and demonstration of emissions estimates from new datasets

This work package aims to use atmospheric chemistry transport modelling to inform WP1 and WP2, creating estimates of the minimum measurement requirements for deployed instruments. The full dataset of measurements across Europe from WP1 and WP2 will be used in atmospheric transport models and inverse statistical methods, to enable a first demonstration of estimates of emissions from the new datasets.

WP4: Creating impact

The aim of this work package is to ensure that the research outputs are communicated to the end-users and stakeholders, maximising the impact and uptake. Activities in this work package will also engage with stakeholders to ensure that the direction of this project will meet their needs.

WP5: Management and coordination

The project will be managed by the coordinator from PTB, who will be supported by the project management board (PMB) consisting of the coordinator and the work package leaders.

The members of the PMB will guide the project, attend the project meetings, organise the progress meetings and call additional meetings if needed to ensure the overall project’s success.


Members Area

Coming soon!


Contact information

Linkedin logo

Contact the project coordinator, Volker Ebert , PTB – volker (dot) ebert (at) ptb (dot) de

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or EURAMET. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them. The project has received funding from the European Partnership on Metrology, co-financed from the European Union’s Horizon Europe Research and Innovation Programme and by the Participating States.

Partner logos

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