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  • Open standards for emerging quantum processors

Open standards for emerging quantum processors

Project summary

NPL is leading a project for the National Quantum Computing Centre (NQCC) on open standards for emerging quantum processors. This project will deliver a suite of objective metrics and standardised methods for benchmarking the quality and performance of quantum processors, which can be included among emerging open standards for quantum computers. The project team is led by the National Physical Laboratory (NPL), and the work will be performed together with the University of Edinburgh (UEDIN), the University of Warwick (UWARW) and Durham University (DU). The central reasoning and rationale behind this project is that the development of open standards relies on their broad acceptance by the national and international community across the public and private sectors.

To deliver the above, the team will actively engage with the QC companies, and several QC software and hardware providers have already confirmed that they are keen to engage with the team, including providing access to their hardware where available. This engagement will be on the key understanding that the outputs of this project will be independent and impartial.

This is an NQCC project.