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  • Noise analysis and mitigation for scalable quantum computation

Noise analysis and mitigation for scalable quantum computation

Project summary

The main obstacle in using quantum computers for practical applications is the fact that they are very sensitive to imperfections and undesired effects of their environment. To be able to reduce the effect of noise on the results of quantum computers we require a clear understanding of the sources of noise and of their effect on the computations. To this aim in this project at NPL we develop noise models, in particular considering the effects arising when scaling up the system sizes. This includes the effect of cross-talk between qubits. The aim is to model the imperfections of one of the most promising quantum hardware approaches, namely superconducting qubits platforms, in a scalable way. Our results will allow project partners to develop software that is aware of the detailed imperfections of the hardware it runs, and in return provides the best way to mitigate the undesired errors for a given application.

This is an InnovateUK project.