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Enabling confidence in climate data

We are providing a quality assurance framework for the Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) to deliver actionable data

The need

The Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) provides reliable information about the climate by providing open access to climate data. The aim is for policy-makers and public authorities to use this vast amount of observational data to guide and support the policies they devise to monitor and mitigate climate change. However, for this to happen, users must first have complete confidence in the information that C3S provides.

The impact

We are leading a major project to ensure the Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) delivers quality data products with clear and robust assessments of their accuracy, allowing its users to assess the 'fitness for purpose' of the data for their applications.

Working alongside the University of Reading and Telespazio France, we are delivering a quality assurance framework that informs users of the methods used in the retrieval algorithm, the completeness of the quality indicators provided, and how suitable it is for particular applications. We are also providing completed scientific assessments and gap analyses on multiple datasets to ensure practicability of the framework. The project is guaranteeing the transparency of the information on C3S and enable its effective use in informing climate change mitigation.