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Autonomous quantum technologies

Project summary

For quantum computing to become commercially useful, one needs to be able to control hundreds or even thousands of qubits at the same time. This is the biggest bottleneck in quantum computing. The aim of this collaborative project is to solve this challenge by building a system that can control hundreds of qubits and that can be used across different types of quantum computers. A key aspect is the use of machine learning to automate the tuning of qubits.

This project brings together the software and hardware companies, as well as academic partner and NPL. NPL’s contribution is the development of automation for its superconducting qubits platform, as well as to show the portability of such automation concepts to further quantum technologies such as electron pumps. NPL is also developing benchmarking tools to verify the quality of the calibration process.

This is an InnovateUK project known as AutoQT.