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PGI annual conference on 30 October 2017

Conference dinner followed by career workshops and networking sessions on 31 October 2017

On 30 October 2017, we kicked off our second two-day annual PGI conference at NPL. The immensely diverse programme was put together by some of our students and included a mix of keynote speakers, student presentations and a diverse selection of posters. It was attended by over 200 people, including students, supervisors, NPL scientists and staff, who took part in many of the different elements of the event.

This year's conference celebrated the work the postgraduate researchers are doing at NPL and its respective partner universities.


What did attendees have to say about the conference?

"Smoothest run conference I have been to."

"Excellent first keynote talk, as it helped me really understand the importance of measurement."

Conference theme

Day 1 included keynote speeches from NPL's own leading researchers, as well as student-led poster and oral presentations (each three and 12 minutes long) from a range of research disciplines. The talks were attended by many NPL scientists, senior university representatives, interested industry parties and fellow postgraduate students. All of these groups together provided an excellent opportunity for networking and establishing new research links.

On Day 2, the keynote speaker was be Prof Martin Hendry of the Glasgow University team working on the LIGO instrument which detected gravity waves (a project which won the 2017 Nobel Prize in Physics). Alumni members of the PGI described work after a PhD and there was the opportunity to attend a series of workshops providing training in key skill areas such as coding, and utilising the PGI's own 3D printer. Furthermore, there were lab tours, so it was possible see the work in several areas throughout NPL.



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