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For people, place, prosperity and planet, we deliver impact with measurement science.


Climate Change
School Assemblies
and Workshop

10th November 2021

Climate Change School Assemblies

In a 30-minute school assembly, four top STEM professionals will describe their careers, and explain how measurement identifies global warming causes, issues, and solutions. Be prepared to ask questions via a chat function which the experts will answer live.

This event is being organised by the National Physical Laboratory (NPL) whose measurement science expertise provides accurate and reliable evidence that policy makers and industry can rely on to enable science-led climate action and delivery of net zero obligations.

Climate Change Secondary School Assembly

08:40-09:10 10th Nov 2021
Secondary School Assembly, suitable for KS3/4/5

Also, from NPL: a climate change poster competition with amazing prizes.
Click here for details:

Schools poster challenge

Climate Change Primary School Assembly

09:15-09:45 10th Nov 2021
Primrary School Assembly, suitable for KS2

Also, from NPL: a climate change poster competition with amazing prizes.
Click here for details:

Schools poster challenge

Climate Change Primary School Practical Workshop

13:30-14:30 10th Nov 2021

Climate Change Primary School Practical Workshop In a 30-minute school assembly, four top STEM professionals will describe their careers, and explain how measurement identifies global warming causes, issues, and solutions. Be prepared to ask questions via a chat function which the experts will answer live.

Also, from NPL: a climate change poster competition with amazing prizes – click here for details:

School poster challenge