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NPL and NIST sign Memorandum of Understanding

The two organisation commit to collaboration in quantum information science and technology

1 minute read

NPL and The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) have today signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU), stating a commitment to collaborate further in the field of quantum.

The MOU builds on a statement of intent signed by the UK and US government last year to strengthen the two nation’s collaboration on quantum science and technologies.

NPL, the UK’s National Metrology Institute, and NIST in the US, have a long history of close collaboration covering a broad range of physical and material standards and today’s agreement will see the two explore ways to grow this partnership between quantum programmes.

There are several areas of quantum science and technology both NPL and NIST strongly believe will have a major impact on standards and metrology in the 21st Century. To strengthen the work already being undertaken in these areas, over the next 5 years the institutes plan to explore future collaborations in the following key areas:

  • collaboration on future standards for quantum technologies and other areas relevant to our positions as leading national measurement institutes including coordinating our engagement with international standards committees;
  • quantum information science and technology-related research and analysis;
  • development of research, training and innovation programmes

Of the partnership, Dr Peter Thompson FInstP FREng FRSC, CEO at NPL, said: “This is a great opportunity for NPL and NIST to work together to realise the potential of quantum technologies. Showing leadership in this sector, especially in contributing to international standardisation, will position the UK and US for economic growth based on quantum technologies and will form a strong basis for resilient infrastructure”

Dr. Laurie Locascio, Director, NIST stated: “I am pleased that our longstanding relationship with the National Physical Laboratory will be strengthened by this joint commitment to quantum science,” International cooperation will be vital to ensuring the best research and future standards incorporate the highest technical rigor as the quantum field matures.”


15 Nov 2022