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dXCT conference

dXCT conference 2016

Tuesday 10 May 2016 – National Physical Laboratory, Teddington, UK

NPL's Engineering Measurement Division successfully launched DXCT, the UK's first international scientific conference dedicated to Dimensional X-ray Computed Tomography, on Tuesday 10 May 2016. More than 100 delegates, from 46 companies and research organisations, attended the event at NPL, including: Airbus, Rolls-Royce, AWE, Diamond Light Source and the National History Museum.

The purpose of the conference was to coordinate the strategy in a rapidly-growing area of metrology. 14 invited speakers from industry and academia took to the stage, presenting technical issues and needs relating to high precision X-ray computed tomography (XCT) on a variety of topics ranging from: how improved XCT could in the future help deliver greener engines, to the increased use of additive manufacturing in high performance aero parts, and onto improving survival rates in tumour diagnostics. Additionally, 16 academic poster papers enriched the conference, with a diversity of thought-provoking scientific insights into XCT. The conference concluded with an extended period of lively panel discussions, attended by over 90% of the delegates. This diverse panel, consisting of representatives from industry, academia and heritage, together with considerable input from the audience, discussed issues with dimensional XCT systems and how NPL could help users benefit from this exciting and emerging technology. There was an overwhelming desire for the conference to become an annual event.

Find out more about NPL's work on X-ray Computed Tomography

Organising committee
Conference delegate pack
Oral presentations
Poster presentations
Conference sponsors

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