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Krisha Vajaria

Krisha Vajaria


Krisha is Scientist within the Electrochemistry department, specialising in battery metrology and innovation since she joined in July 2023.

She is a recent graduate achieving a First Class Honours in MChem at the University of Reading. A year-long integrated research placement at Johnson Matthey in Cambridge accompanied this. She is a co-inventor for a patent in progress for novel research in optimising and applying homogenous catalysts to ester hydrogenation processes.

Krisha’s master's studies focused on solid-state chemistry, synthesising and testing thermoelectric materials to transform waste heat into electricity. She has a passion for sustainability chemistry and a keen interest in researching renewable energy.

Krisha focuses on developing protocols and standards for fabrication of Li-ion batteries. She is an associate member of the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining and the Royal Society of Chemistry.

Area of interests

  • Developing protocols for the assembly of Li-ion batteries
  • Improving reproducibility and battery measurements
  • Creating standards for UK battery businesses