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NPL works with JET Connectivity, a UK SME pioneering Sea-to-Land 5G Infrastructure

NPL is supporting JET Connectivity on a Sea-to-Land 5G infrastructure under its Analysis for Innovators (A4I) programme

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Under a new six-month project as part of the Analysis for Innovators (A4I) programme, NPL is currently collaborating with JET Connectivity* to develop location awareness solutions to determine the position of their 5G floating platform at sea in GNSS denied environments. NPL will provide consultation for the beamforming hardware design utilisation, 3GPP 5G new radio protocols, and choices of location awareness algorithms, as well as developing practical validation methods in laboratory environments.

JET Connectivity is a connected marine technology business pioneering 5G infrastructure establishment at sea. As part of the UK national 5G infrastructure establishment programme they are developing high-speed 5G connectivity at sea to improve the currently lacking communications infrastructure for the collection and transmission of data required by the marine industry.

 A4I enables businesses to use NPL experts to bring confidence to their decision making, drive efficiency and deliver innovation including support for new products, services, and processes. NPL have previously worked with JET to realise a novel antenna solution for 5G range extension at sea. The outcomes have supported JET’s need to tackle link reliability for long range communications.

The NPL delivery team for the projects led by Prof Tian Hong Loh, Principal Research Scientist at NPL, said, “It was a great pleasure to collaborate with JET Connectivity via these projects to deliver impact from science offering NPL’s world leading metrology expertise and measurement capability in support of UK 5G infrastructure extension at sea.” 

James Thomas, CEO and Founder at JET Connectivity, stated: “The support from NPL has not only boosted our product development, but has also given users of our solution an increased confidence in our abilities as we have proven elements with NPL experts. It’s invaluable to get support from niche expertise in this part of the system.”

*a UK SME previously known as JET Engineering System Solutions

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15 Dec 2022